Raising children in different traditions can often be a challenge. These are a few of our favorite resources that can help you with raising Jewish children in a household with blended backgrounds and traditions.
InterfaithFamily.org – filled with Jewish holiday and cultural ideas, educational resources for kids and parents alike.
International Institute For Secular Humanistic Judaism – this is an archive from a colloqium held by IISHJ in 2012. It includes lectures that are both academic and personal in nature on what it means to be “half Jewish” from a secular (non-religious) perspective.
ReformJudaism.org – many great educational and spiritual ideas here. This article in particular directly addresses how to have conversations with your children about “growing up with both”
Kveller.com – this site is just for fun. It’s a “mom blog” style site that’s a great way to see what other Jewish parents are up to and have some solidarity