Yom Kippur is a holiday, but not like Rosh Hashanah. It is the Jewish day of atonement. That means we reflect on our sins for the year, and ask for forgiveness. Not exactly a fun holiday, but not everything in life that is important is always fun.
Read the Yom Kippur section of this booklet: http://www.interfaithfamily.com/files/pdf/High-Holy-Days-the-Basics-ReadOnly.pdf
Read A Glossary of Yom Kippur Terms and this article on fasting (not eating or drinking) during the holiday.
Read “Three Yom Kippur Customs, Explained” at: http://blogs.rj.org/blog/2012/09/25/three-yom-kippur-customs-explained/
Yom Kippur isn’t really fun, but it is meaningful. What does the word meaningful mean to you? Write a short speech (around 100 words) about how Yom Kippur fits your belief about what is meaningful or not.